The Future of Canadian Rehabilitation

Regain strength and boost recovery with PBFR today

why pbfr?

Get Stronger, Recover Faster

Personalized Blood Flow Restriction (PBFR) is a new and exciting rehabilitation intervention that is dramatically changing the way that rehab professionals assist their patients and athletes to regain strength and recover more rapidly without straining a weak and painful area.

If you are recovering from surgery or injury, or if you are an elderly person, or an athlete in a competitive season, you may not be a candidate for exercising with the higher loads that would normally be required to gain muscle strength.

PBFR rehabilitation is a very effective and novel training method for you to obtain strength gains similar to high intensity training while using much lower loads, thus protecting your injured or weak area and enabling it to heal. Learn more about how PBFR can benefit you:

I was introduced to Susan Deslippe and PBFR, and decided to give the new therapy a go. After the first session I noticed a 50% reduction in pain in both of my knees. I was only able to lift a 1-pound weight during the first set of exercises. I proceeded to have two treatments a week; by the fifth session I could lift 3 pounds / 2 pounds on each leg, and I will be discharged after the sixth session. I have decided to postpone knee surgery – hopefully forever!

Susan C. | Patient

your instructor

Meet Susan Deslippe

Susan received a B.Sc. degree in physiotherapy in Glasgow, Scotland, before moving to Canada. She spent several years working in a private practice and as a sessional lecturer at the University of British Columbia before co-founding Vancouver’s Go! Physiotherapy Sports and Wellness Centre in 2009.

Susan became ORS certified in PBFR and implemented it into her clinical practice with impressive results. Today, she’s the primary instructor of certification courses throughout Canada, as well as in the USA, Asia and Europe. She has provided PBFR training to the rehab teams working with the Canadian military, national and international sports teams and athletes, and countless physiotherapy rehabilitation centres.

When she’s not seeing her patients at Go! Physiotherapy, Susan travels extensively, training medical professionals on how to use PBFR in their practice to help their patients strengthen and heal.

My orthopaedic surgeon has indicated that I will need a left total knee replacement in the near future. Radiographs of right and left knees indicate severe tri-compartmental osteoarthritis. He has advised me to strengthen my thigh muscles and loose weight prior to this surgery.

I have been under the care of physiotherapist Susan Deslippe for 5 sessions and my rehab
sessions have included PBFR (Personalized Blood Flow Restriction) therapy. The results have been amazing! My knee pain has ceased, stairs are now more easily negotiated and my knee flexibility has substantially increased. These results far exceeded my personal expectations. I now no longer wear a knee joint unloader brace very often (or at all) since PBFR therapy commenced.

I plan to continue PBFR therapy leading up to the left knee surgery and now intend postpone the proposed right knee surgery altogether. I know I will be eager to recommence PBFR therapy following surgery (once given the ‘go ahead’ from my surgeon) to aid my recovery.

JOHN P. | Patient

get certified

Take your therapy to the next level

Susan Deslippe is Canada’s foremost PBFR educator and instructor of Owen’s Recovery Science (ORS) certification courses. The rehab teams for the Canadian military, national and international sports teams and athletes have turned to her for her PBFR expertise.

Susan is now available to medical professionals including physiotherapists, medical physicians, chiropractors, ATs or OTs who are interested in Canada’s most comprehensive PBFR training.

Get started

Whether you're wanting to add PBFR to your clinical practice or need more information about the therapy, we're here to help. Contact us to get started today!
+1 604 568 4628

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